BNC User Reference Guide

BNC User Reference Guide

BNC User Reference Guide

BNC User Reference Guide





att.renderedmodel.divPartmodel.lLikeatt.renderedmodel.divPartmodel.lLikeatt.renderedmodel.divPartmodel.lLike element l { att.rendered.attribute.rend, ( s | gap | pb )+ } element l { att.rendered.attribute.rend, ( s | gap | pb )+ } element l { att.rendered.attribute.rend, ( s | gap | pb )+ }
l l l l (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse. (verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse.
Class Class Class Class att.rendered model.divPart model.lLike
Declaration Declaration Declaration Declaration
element l { att.rendered.attribute.rend, ( s | gap | pb )+ }
Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes
(Global attributes and those inherited from [att.rendered ] )
(Global attributes and those inherited from [att.rendered ] )
(Global attributes and those inherited from [att.rendered ] )
(Global attributes and those inherited from [att.rendered ] )
Example Example Example Example
  <s n="3287">
   <w c5="ORD" hw="next" pos="ADJ">Next </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="day" pos="SUBST">Day </w>
   <w c5="PRP" hw="at" pos="PREP">at </w>
   <w c5="CRD" hw="six" pos="ADJ">Six </w>
   <w c5="CJS" hw="before" pos="CONJ">before </w>
   <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="gate" pos="SUBST">Gate </w>
   <w c5="VVZ" hw="appear" pos="VERB">appears</w>
   <c c5="PUN">,</c>
  <s n="3288">
   <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">The </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="wretch" pos="SUBST">Wretch </w>
   <w c5="VVN" hw="divide" pos="VERB">divided </w>
   <w c5="PRP" hw="by" pos="PREP">by </w>
   <w c5="DPS" hw="he" pos="PRON">his </w>
   <w c5="NN2" hw="hope" pos="SUBST">Hopes </w>
   <w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
   <w c5="NN2-VVZ" hw="fear" pos="SUBST">Fears</w>
   <c c5="PUN">.</c>
  <s n="3287">
   <w c5="ORD" hw="next" pos="ADJ">Next </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="day" pos="SUBST">Day </w>
   <w c5="PRP" hw="at" pos="PREP">at </w>
   <w c5="CRD" hw="six" pos="ADJ">Six </w>
   <w c5="CJS" hw="before" pos="CONJ">before </w>
   <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="gate" pos="SUBST">Gate </w>
   <w c5="VVZ" hw="appear" pos="VERB">appears</w>
   <c c5="PUN">,</c>
  <s n="3288">
   <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">The </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="wretch" pos="SUBST">Wretch </w>
   <w c5="VVN" hw="divide" pos="VERB">divided </w>
   <w c5="PRP" hw="by" pos="PREP">by </w>
   <w c5="DPS" hw="he" pos="PRON">his </w>
   <w c5="NN2" hw="hope" pos="SUBST">Hopes </w>
   <w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
   <w c5="NN2-VVZ" hw="fear" pos="SUBST">Fears</w>
   <c c5="PUN">.</c>
  <s n="3287">
   <w c5="ORD" hw="next" pos="ADJ">Next </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="day" pos="SUBST">Day </w>
   <w c5="PRP" hw="at" pos="PREP">at </w>
   <w c5="CRD" hw="six" pos="ADJ">Six </w>
   <w c5="CJS" hw="before" pos="CONJ">before </w>
   <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="gate" pos="SUBST">Gate </w>
   <w c5="VVZ" hw="appear" pos="VERB">appears</w>
   <c c5="PUN">,</c>
  <s n="3288">
   <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">The </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="wretch" pos="SUBST">Wretch </w>
   <w c5="VVN" hw="divide" pos="VERB">divided </w>
   <w c5="PRP" hw="by" pos="PREP">by </w>
   <w c5="DPS" hw="he" pos="PRON">his </w>
   <w c5="NN2" hw="hope" pos="SUBST">Hopes </w>
   <w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
   <w c5="NN2-VVZ" hw="fear" pos="SUBST">Fears</w>
   <c c5="PUN">.</c>
  <s n="3287">
   <w c5="ORD" hw="next" pos="ADJ">Next </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="day" pos="SUBST">Day </w>
   <w c5="PRP" hw="at" pos="PREP">at </w>
   <w c5="CRD" hw="six" pos="ADJ">Six </w>
   <w c5="CJS" hw="before" pos="CONJ">before </w>
   <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="gate" pos="SUBST">Gate </w>
   <w c5="VVZ" hw="appear" pos="VERB">appears</w>
   <c c5="PUN">,</c>
  <s n="3288">
   <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">The </w>
   <w c5="NN1" hw="wretch" pos="SUBST">Wretch </w>
   <w c5="VVN" hw="divide" pos="VERB">divided </w>
   <w c5="PRP" hw="by" pos="PREP">by </w>
   <w c5="DPS" hw="he" pos="PRON">his </w>
   <w c5="NN2" hw="hope" pos="SUBST">Hopes </w>
   <w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
   <w c5="NN2-VVZ" hw="fear" pos="SUBST">Fears</w>
   <c c5="PUN">.</c>
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Module Module Module Module core core core core